Banking and Finance Law Courses | IALM | New Delhi | India
The IALM certification in Banking & Financial Laws has become an essential requirement for those who wish to pursue career growth in Banking & Financial sector in India. Several fundamental aspects of Banking System are taught in this course, which includes core banking (lending and borrowing), funds management, finance transactions, IT challenges, financial services, monetary policy, foreign exchange and capital markets. The course further provides strong foundation of Banking Systems by discussing Banking, Economic & Monetary Policy in the light of Indian legislative framework.This course is must for all seeking career opportunities or growth prospects in Banking and Financial Institutions in India. This is a unique opportunity for current as well as prospective banking employees in all divisions, such as, Legal, Accounting, Management, Finance, Economics, Lending & Borrowing, Sales & Marketing, Banking-Products, Customer dealing, IT & Security, HR and Compliances.
Maximum Duration to Complete this Course: 3 Months
Course Fees: Rs. 7500/- (Payment through Credit & Debit Card, Cheque, Demand Draft, Wire Transfer – NEFT)
Online Evaluation Method: Based on “Multiple Choice Question (MCQs)” and an “Assignment Submission” of 500 words.
The score of the online examination will be taken as final result and Grade will be assigned as per the following scheme: Grade A – 80-100, Grade B – 65-79, Grade C – 50-64, Reattempt – Below 50
Next Batch: Each IALM course starts every Saturday. Students can register online for the course any time. Upon payment of fees and registration, the present Course will start on the forthcoming Saturday.
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